If took no time at all. I was made an offer and I folded like a newbie cat 4 in a break with Mark McCormack at Wompatuck.
It wasn't a manufacturer offering me free product for a good review or a sales company offering me a job if I could help them open an account.
My defining moment as a blogger came when my team's title sponsor asked me if I would help out with their shop's blog.
For years I said that I would never work in the cycling industry and here I am, a cog in the machine.
In all seriousness, I my new project with Cambridge is rather cool. I will be posting 2-3 times weekly. My posts will focus on vintage racing parts, vintage clothing, ride reports and cycling esoterica. The focus will be image dense and less wordy than EBTI (actually, I was told 3 or more times that I had to hold back on the verbiage)
Go check it out and let me know what you think (post comments):
that picture just made me sigh in envy.
Your hats have me sighing in envy too. So we are even.
Wait, I don't own the brakes and you do own the hats...damn it.
Pedalstrike wins.
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